servizio ok. viaggio ok. unico problema volo Roma New York con aereo vecchio e con mal funzionamento di sedili e tavolini pieghevoli alcuni chiusi con tape
The flights were supposed to be with SAS only, but I was mailed by United, requiring documentations for international travel. Before contacting the customer service, I thought this may have been spam/scam... However it was impossible to do an online check in from all SAS, United and Kayak websites. I was therefore forced to check in at the airport with United (again, I wouldn't have known if I had not contacted CS). What really managed to piss me off is that at the time of the check in, not only United was not able to check me in with SAS, but the first flight was also arriving in Chicago at the terminal 1,with the second departing from terminal 5! These terminals are at the opposite poles of the airport (need a shuttle, because it's impossible to walk) and I had to check in and pass through the security again, with a 1:30 hour layover on a transatlantic flight!! Furthermore, Kayak HID THESE DETAILS UNTIL I FOUND OUT AT THE CHECK IN AT THE TIME OF DEPARTURE. I was lucky enough to catch that flight, but only because there was no line at the security. In my case I wasn't traveling for tourism, but I was on my way back to my home country, on the grace period of my US visa. I think it's easy to figure out how many issues losing that flight could have caused to me... I also think this is a deeply irregular way of selling tickets and that kayak should have accounted liable for the issues I may have ran into.
Pessimo imbarco. Mezz ora in piedi sulle scale e 15 minuti sotto acqua
volo i ritardo di oltre 2 ore. La compagnia no ci ha fornito il pasto gratuito come previsto da normativa europea
Mi hanno fatto male le orecchie tutta la notte, completamente impercettibile. Per favore, torna a scuola e impara a pilotare un aereo.
Per le tratte di cui ha il monopolio non dovrebbe tenere i prezzi alti ed approfittarsene
Volo ritardato di oltre tre quarti d'ora- Ritardo nella cosegna dei bagagli di tre quarti d'ora. La somma dei ritardi è di circa un ora e1/2.
Hostess di terra molto impacciati, hanno diviso i controlli al varco e mischiato i priority con gli economy … all’apertura delle porte prima di salire sull’aeromobile la porta non riusciva ad aprirla e siamo rimasti fermi un po’…da migliorare
Check-in online said I was “good to go” but had to go to the check-in desk to confirm travel documents, in the end of a one sided discussion with an unhelpful Ryanair rep, I had to pay €55 because I was 1:50 before departure instead of 2 hours.
Everything was fine, but flight was departed with 20 minutes delay
Ritardo di un'ora e mezza senza avere informazioni in merito. Pessimo
In orario nonostante fossimo d'estate. Personale pessimo, hanno preso persone a campione e hanno fatto pagare il bagaglio a mano..... quando erano tutti da fare pagare. Ryanair deve decidersi.....
Impossibilità di scegliere posti vicini/impossibilità di scegliere un menù senza carne
Pessima esperienza, volo cancellato e riprotetto con 5 ore di ritardo. Un disastro.
In genere Lufthansa ultimamente pecca di non puntualità. In tre mesi poi, hanno perso il bagaglio. Poi ritrovato, una volta conseganto in hotel, la seconda ritirato in areoporto in maniera approssimativa. ad Hannover.